Sunday 2nd January 2011 - potato cakes/hash browns, tortillas, smoothie, beef and beer casserole, bread

Breakfast - potato cakes and smoothie.

Made potato cakes - winged this a bit. Initially I chopped potatoes (3 largish ones) for 2secs on spd 5. Put into a bowl and added 2 eggs, salt, pepper and mixed. (had noted this recipe rather than the EDC one in my book) but it seemed to need some flour so added flour to get a good consistency.
These made the chunky hash brown (can see one on the right), wasn't sure about how these cooked so put the rest of the mixture back in and blitzed for 8 secs on sp 5 to make more of a batter.
Both tasted great, the batter ones were easier to cook.
Next time I'm going to try blitzing for 2-3 secs, removing half and then doing another 6 secs and mixing the two lots to give a batter with a bit more texture. Think that will work well.

Kids loved them, esp dd2 who managed 6!

Lunch - made tortilla's to go with salads etc.

Dinner - Beef and beer casserole (from my recipe - down as pork in beer on here) - really yummy.
Made a couple of changes. Added the vegies with 25 mins to go so they were crunchy (we like crunchy veg) and cooked at 90° (not 100). ETA I'm sure 25 mins is incorrect. I do veg under 10mins in the varoma and less in the bowl, may have meant 5 mins????
Everyone loved this again.
Made heaps.

And made a loaf of bread.

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