Sunday 31st October - gravy
Saturday 30th October - porridge, beef madras, garlic cumin rice
Dinner - made a beef madras (converted from the Coles Curtis Stone Chicken madras recipe with a few alterations - will post the recipe tomorrow (it's rather late here due to girls being out a party and can't be bothered typing it up).
Served with garlic cumin rice - as per Bron's garlic rice recipe (on the Thermomix forum) but with cumin added at the beginning as well and used basmati rice so cooked for 16 mins.
Was really yum!

Recipe added:
Madras (from the Coles Curtis Stone recipe)
30g olive oil
1 onion
1 cinnamon stick
2 cm ginger
4 cloves garlic
8 curry leaves
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp cayenne (or to taste)
550g chicken thigh fillets – cubed
2 medium tomatoes – chopped (or ½ tin tomatoes)
1/3 cup of coconut milk/milk/yoghurt
¼ cup coriander
Place coriander and cumin seeds in bowl and mill 5 sec spd 8
Add garlic, ginger and onion – chop 8 sec spd 7
Add oil and sauté 3 mins – 100° spd 1
Add turmeric, garam masala, cayenne, coriander, and sauté 1 min – 100° spd 1
Add chicken, cinnamon, curry leaves and tomatoes and cook 15 mins 100° reverse, speed 1
Add coconut milk/milk/yoghurt and cook for a further 2 mins 100° reverse sp 1.
For Beef – cook 45 mins 100° reverse speed 1 and add a cup of water.
I didn't quite have the same ingredients so used
fenugreek (1tsp) and cumin seeds (2tsp) in step 1. (for some reason I didn't have coriander seeds)
onion, garlic, ginger as above
added tsp curry powder, 2 tsp garam masala, turmeric, 1/2 tsp cayenne
And I used beef (cooking longer with 1 cup of water)
This was so nice.
Friday 29th October - cheese, orange choc chip muffins
Dinner we had left over mince, salsa etc from yesterday with salad in wraps. Grated cheese for these.
Made orange choc chip muffins. Yum!! And what's so brilliant with the TMX, just quarter the orange and throw the whole lot in, no peeling or deseeding, so quick and easy.
Used this recipe - will def make again.
Made 24 mini muffins and 4 larger muffins. So these will last us awhile.

Thursday 28th October - grated cheese, jam, muffins, salsa, ragu
Morning - grated cheese to go on the girls puff pastry scrolls for lunch (and extra for dinner)
Afternoon - made orange and carrot marmalade.
1 lemon, 2 oranges (370g), 2 carrots (200g)
blitz speed 5 for 5 secs
Added 500g water (think this was a little too much)
cooked 30 mins, 100° speed 2 reverse
Added 750g sugar
cook 30mins 100° reverse speed 1
Didn't think it would set so added half a packet of jamsetta and cooked 10 mins more.

In the end it set very well so not sure how it would have gone without the jamsetta.
Dinner we had nachos.
So made a Salsa
300g tomatoes
1 spring onion
1 capsicum (or mixed capsicum to equiv of 1 whole - I did green and red)
bunch of parsley
20g olive oil
juice of one lime
Put tomatoes, spring onion, capsicum, parsley in TMX and chop 8 sec sp 5 (or however long for the consistency you want).
Add olive oil and lime juice and mix 10 sec, sp 1.
I like my salsa spicer so added 1/2 teaspoon of tabasco - in future will add 1/2 to 1 chili at the beginning.
Adapted from a recipe on

Then minced some beef and made up the EDC ragu (for tonight's and tomorrow nights dinners)

Wed 27th October - smoothie, creme brulee, chicken piquant
Chicken in piquant tomato sauce
Garlic and onion, sauté
500g Chicken thighs
3/4 cup red wine
Anchovies x 4
Red pepper flakes generous pinch ( I used paprika)
Can tomatoes
Cook 20 mins, 100 degrees, reverse spd 1
From Glorious soups and stews of Italy by
Dimencia marchetti
As this was cooking I realised the anchovy taste was going to be too strong for the girls. But served it with rice and veg and just pulled a few pieces of chicken out without serving with much sauce and they all ate it happily.
Dessert was Creme Brulee - yum!
Tuesday 26th October - porridge, asian chicken and veg
Dinner - Made an Asian chicken and noodle dish.
Blitzed up some garlic and ginger and added water.
Put chicken breast pieces, cashew nuts and drizzled with sesame oil and various vegetables (bok choy, carrots, brocolli) in the varoma.
Cooked 20 mins, varoma temperature, speed 1.
When it was cooked added sherry, soy sauce and corn flour to the bowl to make a sauce and cooked 4 mins, 100 degrees, speed 3.
Rice could have been cooked in the basket as well but I served with rice noodles - I just put these in the thermoserver and poured boiling water over it 10 mins before serving.

Some of the ideas came from a turkey dish on the Thermomix forum - ie the cashews and sherry and soy sauce in the sauce, but as the forum is down I can't link to the recipe.
I prefer the veg only cooked for 15 mins and if the chicken had been sliced thinner that would have been easily done without having to add them later.
Monday 25th October - bread pizza scrolls, chicken balls, coleslaw
Made bread pizza scrolls for the girls for lunch tomorrow and some rolls for dh to take to work.

Dinner - chicken balls (recipe from previous post ) , wedges and coleslaw
The chicken balls (chicken minced, bread crumbs made, garlic, onion, herbs and vegetables chopped and all mixed) and coleslaw (cabbage, green capsicum, celery, carrot) both made in the TMX.
The chicken balls I added and egg to this time as they seemed drier and needed something more to help bind them.

Sunday 24th October - pancakes, pizza - dough/cheese, cheese and zucchini muffins, bread, soup, rice
Breakfast - pancakes - the kids favourite and using two pans and a headstart I actually managed to keep up with demand.
Lunch - Pizza
Grated cheese and made the pizza dough in the TMX.

Made cheese and zucchini mini muffins for the girls lunch boxes this week.
They tried these and all three really loved them so a def regular in our house.

Dinner - Girls - Brown rice and vegie soup.
We had takeaway curry (buy one get one free!) so cooked rice in the TMX
Also made a loaf of bread.
Saturday 23rd October - apricot balls, rock cakes, tuna pasta, rice
Made Apricot balls
Super easy and nice.
(excuse poor photo)

Helped dd2 make Rock Cakes from the EDC -
These were really yummy, lovely and light and fluffy inside.

Girls for dinner had Tuna Pasta

I had leftover Butter Chicken from the freezer and made rice to go with it.
Friday 22nd October - smoothie, bread, parmesan bread
Made a loaf of bread for weekend toast etc. (with wheat)
Dinner - had leftovers so made this Parmesan bread,

served it with salad and the leftover chicken ballontines from Wed I cut into slices and fried.
Looking forward to summer and more salads! A lovely meal.

Thurs 21 October - juice, bread crumbs, dahl
Breakfast - orange and mandarin juice.
Dinner - I made tomato and lentil dahl (edc) and also Parmesan crumbed aubergine.
I fell in love with this recipe on Junior Masterchef.
I created the crumb using:
1 clove of garlic
small handful of parsley
80g of breadcrumbs (broken up)
40g of parmesan (in cubes)
Added parmesan to TMX and chopped 6 sec spd 8
Added garlic, bread and parsley - chopped 5 sec spd 7
Sliced the eggplant and cut in half.
Then coated the eggplant in flour, egg and the above breadcrumbs and fried for a 2 mins each side.
They were nice but not as good as I'd hoped, didn't feel the parmesan flavour came through enough with that ratio.

Wednesday 20th October - bread, chicken ballontines, rice, veg

Tuesday 19th October - porridge, salmon, rice and veg.

Monday 18th October - smoothie, chicken kiev

Sunday 17th October - pasta
Saturday 16th October - boiled eggs, bread rolls, Creamy Chicken and Brown Rice soup, Bimby Choc Cake and Icing, Apricot Balls, Gourmet Beef, Bread
Breakfast - boiled eggs
Lunch -
bread rolls and soup
Creamy Chicken & Brown Rice Soup
Though I didn't add the chicken and used liquid chicken stock. This was really yummy, highly recommend.
Made - Bimby Chocolate Cake
Cake for dd2's birthday party tomorrow
Attempted these APRICOT NUT BALLS for the girls snacks for this week.
Had to really tweak, I'd left it all to cool then added and mixed as said, but nothing was blended and the dry stuff just sat on top, lol. Not sure if it was too cool.
So I blended up on speed 6 for a bit then added a little water and cooked for another 5 mins. Worked well.
So in future I would try blending all the ingredients then cooking.
Also I used oats instead of almonds as didn't see they were meant to be chopped till after I'd started, but how I ended up doing it would have been fine putting them in whole as they'd chop up when I blended it all.

The girls shelling peas for dinner.
Friday 15th October - chicken croquettes
Croquettes – makes 12 large
300g potatoes – peeled and cut into chunks
15g butter
1 clove garlic
½ small onion or 2 spring onion
½ courgette
300g cooked chicken/tuna/salmon
sm can corn (optional)
40 g cheese (parmesan or cheddar grated)
2 tbsp tomato sauce
salt and pepper
breadcrumbs, flour, egg
Cook potatoes (If doing in tmx – add 650ml water, put potatoes in steaming basket and cook for 25mins on varoma temperature – you could steam some chicken at the same time).
Mash potatoes with the butter (insert butterfly, 20 sec, spd 3).
Set aside.
Add garlic, onion, herbs and courgette and chop 5 sec sp 6
Add oil and sauté 3 mins 100° sp 1
Add the potatoes, chicken (or whatever), corn, tomato sauce, cheese and salt and pepper.
Mix together. 1 min reverse spd 2
Shape into croquettes
Dip in flour, then egg then breadcrumbs.
Cook in a frying pan until browned.

Wed 13th October - dairy free chocolate cake, mayonnaise, butter icing
1 teaspoon vanilla
185g Icing Sugar
2 tablespoons milk

Tuesday 12th October - sauce, grated cheese
Monday 11 October - burrito sauce

Sunday 10th of the 10th - juice, nutty milo slice, shortbread, soup, pasta

Saturday 9th October - rice-almond milk, dairy free choc cake, honey soy drummettes with stir fry veg

Thursday 7th October - mayonnaise, coleslaw, Pork with Beer Casserole
1 clove garlic
1 onion
1 small chili
300-500g meat
3 tablespoons plain flour
20g olive oil
Vegetables (I used 1 red capsicum, 2 sticks celery, handful green beans, 2 carrots)
Tin of chopped tomatoes
1 bottle of beer
2 tbsp worcester sauce
1 tbsp mixed herbs (dried or you could use fresh and put them in at the beginning, I was making this up as I went and hadn't put any in earlier so used dried)
2 bay leaves
Chop garlic, onion, chili - speed 5 - 5 sec
Add meat and flour
Add oil and saute 2min 100degrees, reverse, speed soft
Add vegetables, tin of tomatoes, worcester sauce, mixed herbs, bay leaves and beer.
Cook 60 mins, 100 degrees, reverse, speed soft.

Wednesday 6th October - sugar, stock, biscuits
Tuesday 5th October
Monday 4th October - porridge, rolls, minestrone soup

Sunday October 3rd - smoothie, salad, cheese, pasta, chicken ballotines
Saturday 2nd October - cake, Chicken in Yoghurt
Friday 1st October - grated parmesan and cheddar, bread, risotto